"PSY in ART"
Theme: World of Psychology in Artworks
The exposition presents the works of authors for whom art is wider than the reflection of the material world and the surrounding reality. It’s a project that gives freedom of movement to feelings, emotions and ideas. This is the visualization of a complex inner world, with its mazes and secret rooms, shedding light on the irrational reality and the realm of the subconscious.
Of course, it is not completely possible to express concisely the whole depth of the unknown and to lay on the shelves the subtle vibrations of the soul on the plane of canvas, paper or in the assemblage. But you can at least reach out, try to convey personal experiences and developed feelings to show the palette, color and tone of ideas swirling in the brain, the features of its world perception and the general background of its psyche.
The theme of the project is the visualization of fears and desires, a fragile bridge that throws the viewer from an external stable state to the thrilling and sensitive inner world of the artist, his experiences, anxieties and worries and his hopes.
The PSY ART EXPO project is not just a collection of works on a given topic. It’s a project that blurs the line between creativity and hard work, flowing smoothly into psychoanalysis and art therapy. This is an attempt to draw and explain "you" first of all to yourself.
The exhibition is attended by artists from Russia and Europe. The topic of psychological art came to the forefront, became very relevant and popular. It is creativity that allows through painting, graphics, sculpture and the development of art objects or any other kind of visualization to come closer to understanding one’s own emotions and experiences and find a way out of the depressing states. It is at the same time a demonstration of personal perception of reality and world-feelings of the artist, and at the same time exposing the hidden processes of psyche, from frightening and disturbing to bright, enticing and attracting as the apex of aesthetic perfection. It is a reflection of the immaterial world and an attempt to convey the artist’s thought forms, imagination and wild imagination, weaving in bright spirals, wires and waves, creating incredible images, sensations and impressions. And embodied on canvas, paper and any other carrier, the author’s fingerprints are like lens-caught frames that leave a lasting aftertaste. This exhibition is not just about the epoch - it is about us as individuals, representatives of a developed civilization and about each of us in particular.
"PSY in ART"
International exhibition & contest
Dates: August 16-26 2023
Reegistration deadline: July 14, 2023
Адрес выставки: Serbia, Bačka Palanka, the city gallery
"PSY in ART" will start in Serbia and will be held in several European countries
Participation forms
PERSONAL participation:
The authors personally bring their works to the exhibition. The personal presence is not required throughout the exhibition, the author participates in the program organized by the organizing committee or independently determines his route and stay in Serbia.
All organizational issues related to the transfer of art objects from Russia to Serbia and back are the authors' responsibility.
DISTANT participation:
The exhibition of the originals or copies, which the author sends to the organizing committee office in Moscow. In case of the distant participation we transport your works to the exhibition and back ourselves. The personal presence of the author at the exhibition is not required.
We accept the works, formalize customs documentation, receive a permit to export, transport and place the works at the exhibition, and in case the works are not sold we transport them back to Moscow.
REMOTE participation:
The author send the photos of the works to: info@psyartexpo.com The Organizing Committee prints the files, designs and places them at the exhibition.

Visual Art
International painting contest
International watercolor contest
International pastel contest

Graphic Arts
International Graphics Contest
International Illustration Contest

Digital Art
International photography contest
International animation contest

Arts & Crafts
International Sculpture Contest
International Textile Contest
International Arts & Crafts Contest
Expert Council | Jury

President of the International Visionary Art Association "Art Visionnaire - Switzerland Montreux"

ULUS & Ex-Libris Society, International group of artists "Libellule" (France), Professor of FILUM University

Neues Rathaus Hannover

Symbolist Artist, Collector and curator of International Visionary Art Projects

Artist, Masters of Watercolor, member of InWatercolor / Taiwan-Indian Watercolor Exchange

National Association for the Visual Arts NAVA, Ambassador of the Eurasian Art Union in Australia

World Visionary Arts Group, World Contemporary Artist (WCA, Hong Kong), Ambassador of the Thailand branch of the Eurasian Art Union

Artist, traveler, public figure, Chairman of the Guild "Symbolic Art" of the Eurasian Art Union
Virtual Tour PSY in ART
PSY in ART - проект, дающий свободу движения чувствам, эмоциям и идеям. Это визуализация сложного внутреннего мира, с его лабиринтами и потайными комнатами, проливающий свет на ирреальность и область подсознания.
PSY in ART - проект, стирающий грань между творчеством и сложной работой над собой, плавно перетекающий в психоанализ и арт-терапию. Это попытка нарисовать и объяснить прежде всего самому себе – себя.
PSY in ART - одновременно и демонстрация личного восприятия действительности и мироощущений художника, и в то же время обнажение потаённых процессов психики, от пугающих, тревожащих и пограничных до ярких, манящих и влекущих, как вершина эстетического совершенства. Это отражение нематериального мира, а попытка передать мыслеформы, воображение и буйную фантазию художника, сплетающиеся в яркие спирали, провода и волны, и создающие невероятные образы, ощущения и впечатления. И воплощенные на холстах, бумаге и любом другом носителе отпечатки личности автора, как пойманные объективом кадры, оставляющие стойкое послевкусие.