International exhibition&contest&fair

"PSY in ART"

"PSY in ART"

"PSY in ART"
International exhibition & contest of modern art

Exhibition dates: August 16-26, 2023 Registration deadline: July 14, 2023
Exhibition address: Serbia, Bačka Palanka, the city gallery

Click here to ask a question click here to register


PERSONAL participation:

The authors personally bring their works to the exhibition. The personal presence is not required throughout the exhibition, the author participates in the program organized by the organizing committee or independently determines his route and stay in Serbia.

All organizational issues related to the transfer of art objects from Russia to Serbia and back are the authors' responsibility.

DISTANT participation:

The exhibition of the originals or copies, which the author sends to the organizing committee office in Moscow. In case of the distant participation we transport your works to the exhibition and back ourselves. The personal presence of the author at the exhibition is not required. 

We accept the works, formalize customs documentation, receive a permit to export, transport and place the works at the exhibition, and in case the works are not sold we transport them back to Moscow. 

REMOTE participation:

The author send the photos of the works to: The Organizing Committee prints the files, designs and places them at the exhibition.

Registration sequence

Step 1

Choose a preferred participation form.
All participants have equal rights and are assessed on the same 10-point scale, regardless of the chosen form of participation.

Step 2

Prepare photos of works (1 to 20 MB) and fill in the registration form.

Step 3

Pay the registration fee. After paying the registration fee, you will receive a link for payment to the e-mail address. BE SURE TO SEND A RECEIPT OR A SCREENSHOT OF PAYMENT OF THE FEE TO THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE E-MAIL:

Step 4

After sending a receipt or a screenshot of the payment, you will receive the final confirmation from the organizing committee about participation in the project "PSY ART Expo".
After that prepare your works for the exhibition if you participate in person or follow the news if you participate remotely.

Important info



Originals: All works can be sold at the price specified by the author at the registration.

Photocopies: If clients wish to purchase works submitted in remote form, the author have to be able to provide the original work within 5 working days. 


The commission for the works sold at the exhibition is 20%. The terms of the commission are limited to the dates of the exhibition, that is, the Organizing Committee retains the commission only if the work is sold during the exhibition.


The author independently decides in which nomination his work will be presented. The Organizing Committee previews the works by the photo images sent. All works registered within the specified time frame and confirmed by the organizing committee take part in the exhibition and participate in the competition program, with the exception of:
a) works that violate public norms adopted in Serbia;
b) political subjects;
c) works that offend religious feelings and personality.

The decision of the Organizing Committee regarding the above exceptions is final.


Signature, printing or any other identification sign of authorship is allowed anywhere on the photo. The competitive images are published with copyright distinctive signs. Inscriptions with the names of art objects on the front side are not allowed.

By participating in the project the authors agree to include their phone and e-mail in free newsletters, notifying about the projects in Russia and abroad.
If the author wishes not to implement this free service, the author should inform the Organizing Committee in any of the following ways:
a) by sending a request to delete theit phone and/or e-mail to the organizing committee official e-mail (specified on the site in the section "Contacts")
b) sending a SMS-request to delete your phone and/or e-mail to mobile phone: +7-925-0537000 .



Copyright and all other rights remain with the artist. In the event that art objects are provided for the competition by the representative of the author (producer), the responsibility for the authorship lies with the applicant. The Organizing Committee has the right to use the name (alias) and photo images of art objects participating in the competition and exhibition in order to promote and popularize international projects organized by the World Arts Foundation, and non-commercial use as illustration and publication in the media. All participants understand that any image submitted to the competition can be used by the project for marketing and promotional purposes, including non-commercial publication in any media such as exhibitions, print and digital media. Participating in the competition, the author (the applicant) agrees to the inclusion in the exhibition catalogue their photos, the photos of the art objects and labeling.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for art objects and their photos provided in violation of the competition rules or for those who violate copyright, as in this case the person applying for participation in the competition program (applicant) is responsible.

Who assesses the artworks?

Contest works are assessed by the members of the Expert Council (jury), which is formed by the organizing committee. The Expert Council consists of well-known artists, visionaries, art critics, psychologists, gallery artists, media representatives and producers, whose professional interest includes the study of consciousness, being and secret signs and symbols.


The jury includes experts from more than 20 countries: Serbia, Czech Republic, Russia, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, France, USA, Mexico, Venezuela, China, India, Indonesia, Australia, Israel, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Canada.

Each of the jury members assesses the works individually. The jury members from Serbia assess the works in-person, the rest of the jury make assessment online.
The final list of jury members is being formed

Registration deadline: July 14, 2023

Time left: